Graceland festival
whirling dance
Friday 19 August 2022
Graceland festival , Zeewolde
Date: Friday 19 August 2022
Start: 21:00 - 22:00 Hrs
Scoutinglandgoed Zeewolde
Farid Sheek on Daf with Sufi dance by Rasha Vrede.
Farid is coming to Graceland Festival with Dervish dancer Rasha Vrede. You may be familiar with the whirling dervishes? It is a movement form that dates back thousands of years and has a deep healing effect, according to Rasha. Through spinning around one’s own axis, a connection is sought and found with the ‘greater whole’. Farid and Rasha are eager to share this unique art form and spiritual practice with you.
The daf was used for festivities, celebrations, and mourning ceremonies. It also held significance for a mystical movement, Sufism.